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Old 06-26-2009, 11:10 PM   #37 (permalink)
Crazy, indeed
Location: the ether
Originally Posted by Xerxys View Post
guy44 - no, it's not a joke. I do believe we live in an equal opportunity America. I think that there exists racism. Racism in that it is a prejudiced hate of an individual/s based on their skin color. Do I believe it affects them so much that it causes them to lose out on job opportunities, scholarships, loans, grants? Do I believe it affects them so much that it causes them to be wrongfully persecuted and incarcerated? etc etc? No. Not any more.

Numbers. There are more black people that live in the projects than there are white people. There are more educated white people than there are blacks. I'm of the stance that a job, scholarship ... etc etc obtained by a white person was simply because the white individual was not only more able than the black individual but got there first.

Dippin, the numbers are true but I feel that it was not done out of racism. Profiling does happen, it's done by software, by plants and we have to employ profiling for the purposes it supplies. If I were to see a dark and hooded figure across the street walking toward me in some ungodly hour of night I care nothing for the figures race but I WILL instantly assume he/she is dangerous, wants my money and to kill me and prepare myself accordingly.

Please, I am not defending the polices' actions. I'm saying that today, now in this day and age, police don't wake up and think I'm gonna get me a nigger!!

Manic, black minorities today are about to set the next stage of history our children's children will be taught to not do. I'm not comparing the racism that was before to what it is today ... but the racism I feel amongst the black populace is in a degree in itself loathsome.

What exactly do you base your opinions on? I mean, you can't really think that whatever your personal experience has been is the actual reality for the entire American population.

As far as police who "wake up and think Im gonna get me a nigger," did you recently see the scam the police department near Dallas was running in order to extort out of town African Americans? And it is not difficult to find more and more examples.

And I don't want to get into the boring details and particulars of statistical analysis, but when I refer to numbers I don't mean strictly descriptive statistics. I mean stuff that can be determined by techniques that control for several of the things you talk about, like qualifications, experience, and so on (or in the case of drug charges, stuff like quantity, seriousness of charge, etc). On top of that you can add surveys that show that show that whites have the highest preference for living in "dominantly in group" (i.e., whites for whites, blacks for blacks, etc.) neighborhoods, for example.

Of course there has been progress, but to say that racism is over is far from the truth.
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