Originally Posted by Martian
Why does Plan9 come up every time one of these threads come by?
Clearly it's his awesome avatar.
Originally Posted by Martian
'Want to come over and see my level 70 elf?'
I've seen that work. Granted, it wasn't the kind of sex you'd videotape.
Originally Posted by djtobia
Thank you for all the advice. Hopefully it will help, even remotely.
You know what you need, bro? The same thing I needed at the beginning of this year. You need to occupy yourself with interests, hobbies, and challenges outside of the hot-hot in-search-of-woman realm. Don't get bogged down in the swamp of speed dating in an attempt to find and maintain a relationship you're not ready to handle. Women smell pathetic like piranha smell wounded animals. Sure, it's fun at first, but then it gets a little bit like trying on sweaters for hours outside in July. No fun. I should know, I killed an entire paycheck on meals with girls before I figured coffee is cheaper.
I guarantee the second you get yourself balls deep into a hobby like karate, a motorcycle club, or take up shooting expensive military-style rifles at steel plates... you'll either meet a girl that sees you doing something that all women like: focusing on and enjoying an activity... or you'll be so distracted by said activity that it will be largely irrelevant who's hand jerks you off at night. You gotta have a job, solid interests, guy friends... these things will build the I Am This Guy foundation you need to be successful in a relationship with one of those delicious bipedal creatures that look better in a skirt than I do.