The basic answer to your question is "yes, and they deserve it". The stockholders decide who will be in top mgmt. They decide the pay/payout plan. I worked @ Sears and saw the annual reports, which included the CEO's pay. It wasn't just pay, but stock options that made the money. K-Mart bought Sears and the last CEO walked away w/plenty. The new one stepped in w/a nice package deal. The stockholders allowed it to happen. IMO - their pay should be based on service, just as the regular Joe, but on a higher level. If you continue to help the business make a profit, you get a raise; if not, we'll consider the door.
One thing I've thought as funny is hearing the banks,et al. say "they have to keep the people w/experience & pay the bonuses". WTF - you drove the bank into the ground, and I should keep you?