Every now and then I have this thought about a random guy - usually a stranger, occasionally an acquaintance. I see a guy and have the thought "I could take him".
Usually I am in a situation where mens fancy turns to violence. Say, a street corner at night, or an almost empty subway car where a stranger is lingering in my vicinity. Maybe an ass hat in a parking lot is acting like a social disease. There is an almost unconscious sizing up I do. How big is he, how fit, how does he move, what do his eyes say, does he look batshit crazy or desperate or criminal? And I make the judgment quietly that I could take him. Maybe I look to see what is at hand that could make an impromptu weapon, such as garden stones, fence palings, window glass, my coffee in his eyes . . .
Or I decide that he could wad me up and stuff me in a trash can
Note that I have never been in a fight, so I have no real reason to think this way. I just do.
My Lady thinks I am odd. That it is a quirk of me and me only, that other men do not make such an assessment of strangers. She thinks nobody else runs through this through their internal combat computer. I say she is wrong. She actually asked our neighbor this question yesterday and he told her he doesn't wonder
if he could take a guy, but
So TFP'ers - what do you say? Do you ever wonder if you can take a guy? Stand tall and ululate like Tarzan over his beaten, cowering form? Maybe just put him down and stride off into the sunset? Or is my mental exercise a Neanderthal reaction which most people have grown out of? When your boss or ex-brother-in-law rubs your rhubarb the wrong way do you ask yourself if you could beat him down?