Originally Posted by Shell
...it wasn't anyone's doing here that made me abandon ship. I just had a moment of frustration with myself...for being on the computer too long, for messing up with the clue's, and for some minor issues with some other threads in the tfp. I actually feel safest here in this thread and consider it my home base while i venture out into the "streets" of the tfp. You all have been very friendly and respectful here in this thread and i'm very grateful for that because it's been TONS of fun as well as challenging and enlightening.
....okay, i'm in. But two things...
...what is POTUS and NSFW ?
....and could someone please recap what we've got so far? I'm still lost.
I know we're in the state of New York looking for someone's birthplace, it's not NYC,
and it's not an Island (which leaves out walt whitman from long island) but what else do we know?
...is it in a town (not a city)?
POTUS= President of the US
NSFW= Not safe for work
We know, so far, famous 19th centurry birth place in NY somewhere. Not a former POTUS, not a literary figure, not related to golf, no Adm. Mathew Perry and looking for a male person's birth place.
I think that's it, but coffees still trying to do it's job I may have missed something(s.)
I'm not sure we know it's not in NYC somewhere. I'm missing the clue that rules that out