All banks are basically the same. You're much better off using a credit card for all your purchases during the month and then paying the balance in full at the end of the month. No charges. Then, you can go on line and pay your credit card bill from your checking account the day before it is due. No extra charges anywhere. Your checking balance isn't bouncing around. Plus, if you dispute a charge your are OK but the money is already gone from your account if you dispute a check card charge.
Our set charges are automatically deducted from checking...things like car payments, house payment, set amount utillities because we are on the budget system with them. We might write 5-6 checks a year and get cash from the ATM every two weeks or so. Everything else goes on the credit card - gas, groceries, eating out - anything else. Get those Marriott points and stay in hotels for free!!
Plus, all of the above makes balance your checking account a breeze!
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.