Originally Posted by ratbastid
Spoiler: Not if you ask a physicist. I mean, yeah, you can do the Trek sciency handwaving thing, but... I get tetchy about any scifi that has anybody "fly through" a black hole. You're stretched infinitely thin along the axis that runs toward and away from the singularity quite a while before you actually hit the event horizon, for one thing. And I don't mean space-time bends with you in it: you're PHYSICALLY squeezed and stretched. Unsurvivably so.
I like Neil Tyson's explanation that the gravitational forces at your feet is a lot stronger than the forces at your head and those tidal forces pretty much bisect you over and over again until you are basically a stream of atoms heading towards the singularity. that would suck...haha
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Spoiler: Well, sure, something like that. I'm just wishing the movie had given us that, rather than us having to make something up. It's the only character-based loose end they left loose.
Maybe that loose end will be tied up in future movies?
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