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Old 04-19-2009, 07:56 PM   #35 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Originally Posted by Shaindra View Post
What about the ones that never get to the second or third date? Is that because you decided that you don't want to see them naked? And what happens when you see them naked, have you ever decided at that point that it was a no-go?
Well, confined to this specific thread topic... superficial characteristics that we find attractive in potential partners (eye color):

I think it is foolish to define attraction as the initial inquisitive novelty stimulus we feel when first encountering the opposite sex. Just because a girl is pleasing proportions of meat doesn't mean I'm attracted. I think that's the line between jacking off to .JPGs in your clearly-labeled desktop "PORN" folder versus going out on dates where you, ya know, talk to another human being instead rapidly molest yourself seeking a mediocre physical release. Believe it or not, no shit, there is a profound difference and I'm aware of it. I have needs (don't we all?) and they're met in different ways. Physical attributes are applicable to the former, not the latter.

Real Life Attraction: Sure, I'm a manwhore... but I'm also a tough sell. Let me explain: I'll take my pants off for you in a dozen hours if you're physically attractive to me AND you talk a good game (IQ 100+, like George Romero flicks), but I don't play hide the sausage with club bunnies or pop culture icons ("hot" airheads). I need witty banter over physical attributes. I have my snooty physical preferences like everyone else, but they get trampled all the time because I'll find a girl who fulfills my overriding need for brains. I used to have a hardcore rule against dating blond girls, but look-at-just-went-out-the-window last weekend. I adapted to surprise brains and the physical feature I found unattractive for no good reason became another trivial statistic.

38DD Cranium: Honestly, I've never put my penis inside an idiot. Maybe a few girls who made poor life choices (haven't we all?), but no dummies. I've never used another person's body as a masturbation aid. There had to be a significant connection upstairs in the neural socket before the connection was made downstairs in the hot pocket of swirly-swirl-pumpity-pump-schlep-schlep-ooooguh-splat. For these purposes brains could be defined as intellect or emotional compatibility or musical preference... whatever it is that joins two people together in a significant way besides handcuffs or a broken condom.

Round Two: If I didn't make it to the second or third date... then there obviously wasn't enough attraction. It wasn't that I didn't want to see them naked, it was that they didn't give me enough wrinkly gray matter to make me want to see them naked or bounce my smooth spot against their thigh. I don't get to the point that I'm naked with somebody that I don't want to do the horizontal badger dance with in the near future. I wouldn't spend $65+ at Olive Garden and make out in the car with a girl that I didn't want to have sex with later. It wouldn't make it beyond dinner and a lame goodbye handshake. I don't see how people do that. Do they think it'll improve with time? I blame booze for these types of situations. I don't drink on first dates. It fucks up the attraction measuring faculties (hence "beer goggles").

All this rambling ties into the concept of eye color and attraction because I find it hard to believe that someone could possess a physical attribute that an intelligent adult found so attractive that they just went and ditched the rest of their "potential partner has" criteria. That kind of garbage smells like the plot a porno entitled "Redhead Pinky Toe Fixation" (men) or a stereotypical romance novel (women).
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 04-19-2009 at 08:10 PM..
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