I think it is amazing the lengths of moral relativism people go to in order to justify torture.
First, there was nothing "ambiguous" about what was being done here. This wasn't a good faith effort to determine the limits of the law, but a bad faith effort to subvert them.
The Bush administration had no problems calling the same things the US did torture when it was other nations doing it the exact same things.
And one must be either exercising selective reading or not have read at all to think that the only torture that was going on was slapping.
Waterboarding, slapping, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, smashing heads against walls, stress positions, confinement in boxes, etc. are not just "slaps." There are over 100 recorded cases of detainees dying under interrogation, as well as several more cases of individuals being driven insane because of that, including American citizen Jose Padilla.
And even those very close to the interrogations admit that very little, if any, relevant intelligence came of it. If there is one thing these memos make clear is that the whole "ticking time bomb" scenario is false.