Does anybody own a pair of these:
The sport/act/... is called power-bocking I believe, after the inventor ( xxxx Bock ). You can find a few vids on Youtube, like this one:
I bought myself a pair last week, and I'm learning to run/jump with em whenever I have a little time.
Would like to see if there are some people here with some prior knowledge that wouldn't mind sharing a few pointers.
So far it's alot of fun, but I severely misjudged the running-aspect with them.
It's alot more taxing than I would have thought... I'm not quite sure anymore that I could run 10km in them.
I have to admit, even though I can't go all that far while running, walking is barely taxing.
Also, you get alot of weird looks when you bounce by a few people
So how about it? Any other enthousiasts around?