You're imagining things, Pan. We're all pissed.
Ask yourself this: when did calls for impeachment begin for Bush? After all the vacations? Nope. 9/11? Nope. Invasion of Afghanistan? Nope. Invasion of Iraq? Yes, that was about when it started, though most of the calls were from outside the US. They really didn't hit a fever pitch until illegal kidnappings, torture, wiretapping, and starting to head in the direction of attacking Iran after falsifying information that they were after nuclear material. That's a shit-ton of bad things it took. Obama's list so far is really one the one thing, the wiretapping. And we're absolutely pissed, yes, but it's not even in the same solar system as Bush yet. Obama issued the order to close Guantanamo and is in the process of removing our troops from Iraq, so he's not all bad yet. Things aren't as black and white now as they were with Bush. Bush couldn't make a correct decision to save his life, whereas Obama has already made some difficult and correct decisions. That doesn't mean he's a messiah or savior, just that he's not a total fuck-up like Bush.
Learn to see shades of gray or you'll go mad.