Ruger firearms: Most of their newer products suck (safety recalls, anyone?). Prior to that, I boycotted them so as not to send money to that most ridiculous of spectacles, an anti-2nd Amendment gun manufacturer.
HS Precision rifles and stocks: Endorsed, in print, by a psychopathic murdering thug. 'Nuff said.
Jennings, Lorcin, Raven Arms, Jimenez Arms and Bryco: I have no wish for my customers to blow their fingers off and come back pissed at me for selling them a hand-grenade disguised as a gun.
Kellogg: Driving corporate force of Socialism and Communism in this country for the past 100yrs. I'll stick to store brands.
Keanu Reeves movies: No use throwing good money at bad acting. Likewise any Costner film in which he is the Lead, and any film whos primcipal actors have an anti-gun public record. This goes double for action-movie stars. Pistol-packin' Mama Jolie, on the other hand, will actually see a few dollars of mine at some point.
Exxon: They still haven't paid the State of Alaska for the cleanup after the Exxon Valdez spill, and some of their conduct in S. America has been just beyond horrid.
Citgo: I see no reason to further fatten Hugo Chavez or his murderous, anti-freedom regime.
In the past I boycotted (along with my photographer mother) FuujiFilm, because of their continued involvment with the South African Apartheid gov't. I wish I could find a way to boycott taxes and keep them from being sent to the Israeli Apartheid gov't, but the IRS takes a dim view of such efforts.
I occaisionally make an effort to boycott fast-food locations which continually fuck up my order.