I'm thankful for being average!
I just had an epiphany of sorts. I'll speak of the things that are considered "better" in life since the below average things are more obvious (poor, ignorant, etc).
I realized that if I were a lot richer, I'd have no real responsibility/consequence (or whatever you want to call it, we all know what I'm talking about with those kids that have billions from their parents by the time they're 12) and therefore little meaning in my life. If I were a lot smarter I'd tend to be more miserable, I'd analyze too much and always go with the "smart" thing to do. Thereby gaining less wisdom from making my own mistakes, and living too much on the dictate of others experiences. If you've ever met a real genius, you'd see what I mean, they tend to be miserable. If I were a lot better looking, I'd never need to work on my personality and not have as strong of relationships. I'm sure someone could say it a lot more elegantly but you can see were I'm going with this.
What sorts of things are you thankful for being average?