Did anyone else have the thought that there might have been fewer DWIs during intoxication because perhaps there were fewer vehicles at that time than there are now?

Just curious.
Originally Posted by timalkin
Cigarettes don't impair the functioning of a human brain or body.
Just FYI, if you haven't had one for awhile, a cigarette can make you majorly lightheaded and almost cause blackouts. I used to get vertigo if I tried a red (I smoked ultra lights) and more than once had to sit down or stop what I was doing for several minutes. I knew better than to do it while driving. Nicotine rushes are unpleasant and did impact the functioning of my brain on a frequent basis. And I do know that I'm not the only one.
I'm curious... How do you, TFP, define "Medical Usage" or "Medical Purposes"?
Does that include mental health? Because I know plenty of people with severe anxiety disorders, clinical depression and several other clinical diagnoses that use marijuana for treatment, despite the lack of prescription. For them, it worked better than being on numerous other psychotropic medications and they were a heck of a lot more functional after smoking pot than ingesting a xanax.
Most people agree that Marinol is doing wonders for chemo patients... but few realize that if you take more than the required dose, you can still get stoned. I'm taking the word of several teenage patients with Osteosarcoma who admitted to smoking weed prior to the rx of Marinol. So I can only go by their word. But, they still swear to it. And you can tell.
Well, I'm for legalization. In all forms and for all reasons, actually. There will always be people that abuse anything... we have to buy cold medicine from the pharmacist now and I got carded for buying spraypaint and rubber cement. Someone will always be stupid and do something under the influence of something that will make people gasp in horror and want to do away with that Thing. But it's a hell of a lot cheaper to legalize it if you look at decreasing amounts of insurance payouts for drugs of all kinds, decreasing the DEA salaries and war on drugs funding like several people noted, and decreasing the number of people that are taking up space in the jails and on probation lists for having just enough to qualify for "intent to sell."
Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody gather 'round, try to love one another right now...