The thread on Tilted Frugality got me thinking about garage sales. I grew up with my mom shopping garage sales for a lot of clothes and things we needed for our house. Through that experience, I learned that you can find just about anything that you want or need at a garage sale if you have patience and persistence.
For my fellow TFP garage salers, what is the #1 thing that you have found at a garage sale? Either #1 because it was such a great deal, or because it was special to you, or because it was so full of oddity and whimsy that it just made your day/week/year. Classified ads or Craigslist finds qualify too if you want to post those.
Here's mine: For years I've been wanting to get a high-end, gym quality rowing machine for my home use. I love working out on a Concept2 (like so:
Concept2: The World's Best Rowing Machine) rowing machine at the gym. I enjoy the complete body workout that it gives with tremendous cardio and near zero impact. So I've been on the lookout, checking CraigsList, Ebay, etc. The problem is that, even used, these machines are expensive. Like $1000 retail, and even $500-600 on Ebay. Plus they are big and heavy, so shipping is difficult and expensive. Looking was all that I was doing about it because pulling the trigger on a $500-600 purchase wasn't easy.
I was out cruising some garage sales a few months ago. I stopped at one that honestly didn't look all that promising. But you never know what you'll find, so I got out for a look. It was so un-promising that my wife decided to stay in the car. I poked around the sale for a minute or so, then wandered up the lawn. There, tucked behind a 1950s scratched console TV, was a Concept2 Model C rowing machine. I've learned from the best to play it cool in these situations, so I asked nonchalantly, "How much for your little rowing machine?" "Oh, my husband never uses that anymore and the kids just sit on it and slide. How about $5?" "Ok." "Oh, and the display don't work." (She was right, it needed 1 AA battery to work perfectly.) My wife could tell something was up when I got back to the car and could barely contain myself. I paid the lady at the sale and had to drive home to get my truck to pick up the rowing machine.
That's my #1! What's yours?