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Old 03-21-2009, 01:07 AM   #997 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Something that really kind of annoys me - and please don't take offense, this has more to do with comments I've seen elsewhere - is how so many people are still wanting more answers. Where did Kara go? How was she resurrected? What exactly are the Head People? Etc.

First off, people need to learn to accept a little ambiguity in their frakking lives. And second, I guarantee that people would find a reason to bitch and moan about the answers if they were given, and might even complain that they were given in the first place.

We're not supposed to know who the third party is, and if there's one thing I really hate, it's reading too damn much into things (again, no offense). Speculate all you want, but I think one thing can be guaranteed: as far as the creators are concerned, the third party exists, and that's about all the thinking they've bothered to give to it. Because even the creators don't need to know if they are aliens, or god, or whatever... sometimes you just decide that something exists in your creation and that's just how it is. It's fun (I guess, though I don't see the appeal in it) to create twisty theories about how Baltar (or someone like him) evolved and became god-like, but those kinds of theories are almost always make WAY more sense in the head of the fan than of the creator. (See: all the BS about Daniel and Starbuck. RDM never expected people to create all those convoluted speculations about Daniel and now regrets even putting it into the show when all he wanted to do was explain the #7 gap and demonstrate Cavil's character.)

We haven't been given a specific explanation for this third party, but I do think it's very safe to say it is entirely metaphysical and not alien or the product of some sort of evolution. Aside for what has been shown in the show, RDM has been fairly straightforward in interviews that the metaphysical has always been a part of the show for him, despite knowing that a lot of fans have been upset at its inclusion in BSG.

Kara... well she's just part of that. After seeing the finale, I don't think it's even a valid question to ask what she is. She just is. She lived, died, came back and led them to Earth. Why? How? Because it was the divine will, pure and simple. Again, I'd bet a large sum of money that the creators haven't thought about it beyond that, and I honestly don't think they need to.

People want things spoon-fed too much. I think the BSG finale answered everything that needed to be answered explicitly, and answered plenty more implicitly without being too direct. It was a great ending for a great series.

And now I'm going to stop watching the #bsg posts on Twitter before they upset me any more

---------- Post added at 04:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 AM ----------

Mixed in with all the dreck on the IMdB forums (why am I even reading them when I know they'll mostly annoy me?), I found this worthwhile nugget...

In all honesty, I was initially pretty mixed about the conclusion of the series. But only upon reflection, I began to realize how absolutely great the ending really was. For me, the entire concept of BSG is a re-imagining of old religious, spiritual, and mythological concepts that are infused in a pseudo-futuristic setting with technological elements. (Not unlike Star Wars). I think most people (including me) forget that sometimes. This is mainly because BSG represents good story telling and provided enough dramatic realism while at the same time presenting general fantasy. In the end, we have become primed (which I believe mainly is result of our present society) to expect that a story will also provide to us some rational account for all of the fantastical elements that has presented within it, as in the BSG concluding episode and the series in general. We want answers, but mainly we want answers that are transcendent but yet provide concrete rational subsistence to a story already infused with considerable mythological and spiritual mystery. However, this concept has always been central for the progression of the BSG story. The show really is about the people and their personal struggles and journey.

All of us have read the old stories and myths from long ago. We all know that they are absolutely unbelievable and are complete with over-sensationalistic elements. But that is why they are alluring and have been persistent throughout our history. Not because they are accurate descriptors of nature, but rather for there ability to shed light on some fundamental aspect of the human condition. These stories really are antithetical to science and they are supposed to be.

In the end, BSG is simply a re-telling and modernization of these age old myths. That's why Starbuck was an angel that just vanished at the end. That is why head Baltar and head Caprica are angels walking around in modern day NY. We are not supposed to overanalyze it beyond that simple fact. We are to take it from what we want and focus simply on the big picture. While it is hard to swallow this at times and often people (including myself) take the inclusion of supernatural elements like God/angels/demons in a modern era as cop outs or lazy story writing, the BSG stories really are at its very core, a story of struggle that were designed to force us to journey inwardly. With that general idea in my mind, the series and its conclusion works and works well.
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