I want to thank all of you for sharing your feedback with me. I really appreciate being able to hear multiple viewpoints from a wide range of people with varying experiences. At this point I am about 95% sure that this is what I want to do. I am going to join the local Army ROTC program as soon as I can and from there I will try to become a pilot. However, if for whatever reason I can not become a pilot, That is fine because there are many other army jobs that interest me. While no one in my family has been in the military, it just feels so right for me, despite any negatives.
There is only one more thing that I want to ask about. This is mostly directed to people who either have served, or know someone who has served.
I have psoriasis, and have had it for several years. It is listed on every service's list of disqualifying diseases, however I was wondering if anyone knows anyone who has served with it? I have it relatively mildly, and it has recently been clearing up. It does not affect my motor skills at all. The recruiters who I spoke with said that a waiver might be able to be obtained, as it is only really disqualifying if it "interferes with the normal duties of a soldier, and/or interferes with the wearing of the uniform" which it does neither. Any thoughts?