Originally Posted by Willravel
I dunno. While I still think Kara was Daniel's daughter, I don't think it's just a Daniel or some Daniels that are pulling the strings. I like the symmetry of Daniel being the anti-Cavil, but I still think it's the third party.
That's possible, but I'm trying to 'solve' the series with the characters we know about already, without bringing in third parties in a deus ex machina way. Literally deus if they make the third party God/gods. The end of a drama is almost always the wrong time to introduce new characters...they can get a pass on Daniel if he really is Starbuck's father, and he has a big reveal at the end, and it shows how he was working behind the scenes the whole time.
But if they bring in another agent at this late date, I'm not seeing how that will be a satisfying ending, and something other than a deus ex machina, there to wrap up all the loose ends but otherwise not an interesting part of the narrative. Especially since a Daniel character (or group of Daniels) has already been introduced, and is sufficient to wrap up most, if not all, of the existing plot threads. I wouldn't be surprised if they left a few things not-quite-explained to leave room for the possibility that divine intervention is an active part of driving the story, however.
Anyway, we'll see how it all plays out in a couple of weeks. :-) Then we get to wait for Caprica in 2010...