1.) You can start dating someone the day you break up. Or before. Or a week after. Whatever you want. If she wants to be with you, nothing that you do to get yourself away from her and with someone else is going to cushion that blow, ESPECIALLY if you guys are still living together.
2.)What 'living together but not dating' means in real life: You (and she) would have no grounds to object if the other person in the former relationship invited 5 members of the opposite sex over for an orgy/sleepover, as long as it was quiet and contained in the bedroom (Which I assume you're not sharing.....are you? It just occurred to me you're probably still sharing a bed.)
3.) You have lost her as a friend. Sorry. At least for a year or so. I've found that it has been really hard to be friends with my most recent ex girlfriends. Once we each have another relationship under our belts, and they're not 'The Ex,' then and only then have friendships worked.
twisted no more