If you want to join the military, and you are an adult, that is your decision. You will have to deal with any fallout from that decision. Do you think that they will disown you if you join?
As far as maturing. I grew up right between two military towns. The least mature people I ever knew growing up were military guys. The least able to move on with their lives after military too ( couldn't get jobs, needed lots of hand-holding to do basic stuff, like paper work to get into college (don't get me started on them in college )). Like blktour says above you have a readjustment to civilian life, when you get out. Some of the best people I knew were also military too, YMMV
I personally have nothing against the military, as I was accepted to Air Force Officer School, but messed up my back in an accident before I went, and had to come home before finishing :-(
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."