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Old 03-06-2009, 04:58 AM   #296 (permalink)
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Location: In the land of ice and snow.
Originally Posted by pan6467 View Post
What plan $13/week???? A pork loaded bill that shows no true vision but to make some companies richer?
Pan, what is the proportion of pork to nonpork in this bill? Do you know? Have you read the bill? Or are you just regurgitating?

Even with the pork, did you know that the phrase "economic stimulus" actually means "spending money"? That's how you stimulate the economy. Pork or no.

"I promise to veto pork if it comes across my desk."

"Ooo well that was Bush's agenda, I'll do it next year."

"I Promise to change the way we do business make it more open to the people to see."

"Read this bill in 48 hours, have no debate and don't release it to the public until after the vote."

"I'm going to raise taxes on tobacco until they are on the black market and/or people quit, thus nullifying that tax increase revenue and losing money because the revenue we do get from tobacco dried up, thus we'll have to tax coffee, soda, fast food anything we , the government deem unhealthy for you uneducated slobs trying to enjoy life."

"Don't smoke...... but we need you to to bail out the rich."

Talk about hypocrisy.
Not sure what any of this has to do with anything. Maybe the first one has anything to do with Obama blaming Bush for his own inaction. Even then, I question your ability to accurately paraphrase.

Really, what has he gotten done? Truly done to better this nation?
It's been six weeks. Let's see: Appointing people to positions relevant to their knowledge and experience. An energy secretary who knows how energy is actually defined physically? OMG!!! He's drastically reducing troop levels in Iraq. He's got economic vision beyond "lower taxes" and "let them fail". I don't know that it makes sense to list more, because I don't think you're really all that interested in hearing about them.

What is his plan? How many more billions do we have to give the rich and how much farther does the Dow need to collapse? How much farther is he going to go down a road that isn't working?
You don't know his plan? Why are you so passionately complaining about it then? What do you expect him to do, go down to Wall Street and force people to buy stock? You're ridiculous.

Great leaders surround themselves with great people, he hasn't.

Great leaders have true plans and ideas how to better the future. He doesn't.

Great leaders are open to debate and ridicule of the plans and ideas because they may see things they hadn't and make compromises (because great leaders know sometimes compromise works and is best for all) or they have great belief that what they are doing is the best plan and they can shoot down ridicule by proving it and being firm in belief. I don't see any of this from him or the Dem leadership in Congress. They try to scare people in their own party into silence, they want to keep going down a road that has been leading us to ruin and not change course.

Most of all great leaders don't lie, they inspire by stating the truths and as bad as the outlook may be they inspire hope and encourage all (even those who don't agree with them). He doesn't.
I'm glad to see that to go along with your arbitrarily definition of what it means to be a great leader you've decide to arbitrarily interpret reality to mean whatever the hell you want.

I am not led by Limbaugh, Ron Paul or anyone else, I actually think for myself. One very interesting thing I have found tho, is by not having a TV and not watching news, getting it from newspapers, the radio, internet and the like, I am not as liberal as I once was, I think more for myself and pay attention more. I am able to listen to friend's opinions more and have more respect for them, but am less persuaded by things (opinions) I know are wrong.
Good for you.

Last edited by filtherton; 03-06-2009 at 05:52 AM..
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