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Old 02-18-2009, 11:37 PM   #36 (permalink)
pai mei
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Originally Posted by catback View Post
Maybe it's just me but I don't see the problem with capitalism or money, nor do I see how your 10% work force plan makes things any better. The whole idea that people will work solely for the good of others and not capitalize on their talent/skill/ability is not realistic in today's time. Really how many people today offer to pump the gas for a senior citizen without them having to reach out for help. It's not the system that is flawed it's the "it's all about me" society, from the big CEO's down to the little guy. Each of them trying to assign as much value to their talent/skill/product/ability as possible. If you take away money and big corporations, basically pushing us back into the olden days, your still going to have people wanting a car for a bushel of banana's. That's the cost and best part of free market, you can ask for whatever you like in return for your goods/services. In fair turn, the customer can accept the terms or decline and seek another supplier.

Free doesn't work, nothing in life is "free"
Everything in life is free. The things that matter are free. Want more, find people like you and get to work. Don't make me work for you, I don't want more "stuff", but today my survival depends on me working for people who want "stuff".
I am happy with food and shelter, in my system I would probably occupy my time with gardening and traveling around. Some house maintenance and that's it all I can think of now. Of course people like you see that as a waste of time, instead I could help them live a comfortable life.Are they skilled, and think they are smarter than others ? Good for them ! Why do you want me in the equation ? My system allows for me and billions of others to live how we want. A, you have not enough slaves to do your projects, sorry for that ! All the smart comfort seeking people don't want to get together and realize their dream ? Sorry for that too...

Thor Heyerdahl - Kon Tiki, and I agree with him :
It did not matter anymore if we were in the year 1947 AD or BC. We were living an we were feeling it with intensity.We understood that the lives of humans were full even before the age of technology, without a doubt more full and rich in many ways than the life of the modern man.
Time and evolution somehow did not exist anymore: everything that was real and had meaning was today the same as yesterday, the same as tomorrow. We were engulfed by the absolute measure of history by the deep and continuous darkness under the myriads of stars.
Look at the internet. How much free stuff is out here, nobody pays people to put it here and nobody forces them. The same, free people would do the thing they like and give to others. Fame and status will still exist - for skilled people, or people who play games - sports. There are millions of young people who just finished education, are very smart in their domain and would like to help the world somehow, and do not condition this by how much money they get. They are free to do so. In today's world they are used to get money.

And people do not seek money and material comfort. That is a mistaken view. But that is the only thing left for them in today's society to seek, nothing else.
Not only does school prepare us to submit to the trivialized, demeaning, dull, and unfulfilling jobs that dominate our economy to the present time, not only does it prepare us to be modern producers, it equally prepares us to be modern consumers. Consider Gatto's description:

Schools train individuals to respond as a mass. Boys and girls are drilled in being bored, frightened, envious, emotionally needy, generally incomplete. A successful mass production economy requires such a clientele. A small business, small farm economy like that of the Amish requires individual competence, thoughtfulness, compassion, and universal participation; our own requires a managed mass of leveled, spiritless, anxious, familyless, friendless, godless, and obedient people who believe the difference between "Cheers" and "Seinfeld" is worth arguing about.

They know that there is a way the world is supposed to be, and a magnificent role for themselves in that more beautiful world. Broken to the lesser lives we offer them, they react with hostility, rage, cynicism, depression, escapism, or self-destruction—all the defining qualities of modern adolescence. Then we blame them for not bringing these qualities under control, and when they finally have given up their idealism we call them mature. Having given up their idealism, they can get on with the business of survival: practicality and security, comfort and safety, which is what we are left with in the absence of purpose. So we suggest they major in something practical, stay out of trouble, don't take risks, build a résumé. We think we are practical and wise in the ways of the world. Really we are just broken and afraid. We are afraid on their behalf, and, less nobly, we are afraid of what their idealism shows us: the plunder and betrayal of our own youthful possibilities.
They are denied the "luxury" of being part of something. Being in a corporation is nothing like being in a community. In my system people will form communities , people want to be part of a group and would do whatever it is valued by that group. Today they seek big houses, lots of money and so on, that is viewed as "valuable". In a community they will happily help others and get together with others for the common good, that will make them appreciated, and that is what people really seek. Friends, appreciation, community.
Look : in a natural disaster of something, who cares about the destroyed stuff ? The first thing people care is their friends and family. Anything else is just to fill the void, created by today's alienating system.
As that word mine indicates, ownership implies an attachment of things to self. The more we own, the more we are. The constellation of me and mine grows. But no matter how large the discrete and separate self grows, it is still far smaller than the self of the hunter-gatherer. The pre-separation mind is able to affirm, all at once and without contradiction, "I am this body," "I am this tribe," "I am the jungle," "I am the world." No matter how much of the jungle we control, we are smaller than the one who knows, "I am the jungle." No matter how dominant we are socially, we are far less than one who knows, "I am my tribe." And far less secure, too, because all of these appendages to our tiny separate selves may be easily sundered from us. We are therefore perpetually and irremediably insecure. We go to great lengths to protect all these accessories of identity, our possessions and money and reputations, and when our house is burglarized, our wallet stolen, or our reputation besmirched, we feel as if our very selves have been violated.

Not only does our acquisitiveness arise out of separation, it reinforces it as well. The notion that a forest, a gene, an idea, an image, a song is a separate thing that admits ownership is quite new. Who are we to own a piece of the world, to separate out a part of the sacred universe and make it mine? Such hubris, once unknown in the world, has had the unfortunate effect of separating out ourselves as well from the matrix of reality, cutting us off (in experience if not in fact) from each other, from nature, and from spirit. By objectifying the world and everything in it, by making an other of the world, we necessarily objectify ourselves as well in relation to that other. The self becomes a lonely and isolated ego, connected to the world pragmatically but not in essence, afraid of death and thus closed to life. Such a self, cut off from its true nature and separated from the factitious environment created by its own self-definition, will always be insecure and will always try to exert more and more control over this environment.
Edit : Now I realize that people in the modern society are used to the idea that from a certain age , everything they do comes not from them but from rules and "superiors". And they are not bothered by this. The mind molding about listening to your superiors and so on starts in school. And very few people really do what they want to do. Most of them alone and unable to fit in, sometimes they get "lucky" and we the others call them "geniuses". Very sad
One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game"

Last edited by pai mei; 02-19-2009 at 01:41 AM..
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