Originally posted by Atanvarno
But like 4thTime I have been trying to take this discussion a little bit further and expanding it to a general issue.
In general, a photo id of any kind should have a recognizable photo of the person represented. Wearing a veil which obscures all of your face but the eyes does not constitute a recognizable photo, and so should not be acceptable photo identification.
If you are a member of an African tribe that firmly believes that cameras steal a part of your soul (
seriously - link) and you refuse to have one taken of you, fine, but you have no photo identification and are restricted because of it.
Originally posted by Atanvarno
Then comes another issue, if the case a religion forbids it's members to be photographed at all, and there is an alternate form of identification that is as good, should the state allow the use of such a form of identification?
It is not the state's responsibility to determine the authenticity of other forms of identification, and so I would have to say no to this. As is, it is currently possible (in MN at least) to get a photo-less drivers license which is essentially just a piece of paper with your personal info on it and a stamp by the DMV to certify that you are able to legally drive. It is not a photo id, and doesn't pretend to be, but it allows you to drive.