Originally Posted by Willravel
Burden of proof in a debate has nothing to do with law. It's common sense. Why are you acting like this?
You made this claim in post #3 of this thread...
Originally Posted by willravel
That's a fairly overt and negative review of Ritalin. It's basically saying that Ritalin kills imagination.
That's pretty irresponsible.
Since the first claim in this thread was in fact made by you, Sir Ravel, I would argue that the burden of proof is on you at this point to prove that the intent of the comic was to paint a negative portrait of "pills". Since it's fairly overt, you should have no difficulty finding all the documentation you need to satisfy this burden of proof. In fact, I will put forward that the success of this entire thread lies with you backing up your initial claim. I don't see how we can proceed from here without it.
Then, in response to my query, you posted this:
It's irresponsible to suggest that Ritalin kills imagination. Ritalin may not enjoy a good reputation with some of the less educated members of the general public, but the truth is it helps a lot of people.
I'll wait patiently while you provide documentation supporting your argument that suggesting Ritalin kills imagination is irresponsible. I'll also await your supporting documentation proving that Ritalin doesn't enjoy a good reputation with some of the less educated members of the general public, and I'll await your documentation supporting your claim that it helps a lot of people.
But first, I find it necessary that you define "a lot" and provide the documentation which states that your definition of "a lot" is supported by fact.
Please hurry.