It is not that its inappropriate, its just that there needs to be something stopping them from transforming sexual desire into action. Sexual tension takes place when there is a reciprocation of attitudes where it is clear that both want to have sex with each other, but for whatever reason can't. That is, if there is nothing inappropriate about it, if there is nothing stopping the 2 people, then there is no tension, just lust and sex itself. And yes, it goes away.
I am not sure about your situation, but is it taking place between you and someone who is available, or who you would have no impediments from actually having sex with? I say this because for a long time when I was young I often confused sexual tension with me just having the hots for someone. But then I realized that things never went forward simply because she wasn't reciprocating, which inevitably made me realize that it was just my perception of things, not actual tension. That is, I was the only one feeling it, and she was oblivious to it.
I only really found out about sexual tension with the girlfriend of my best friend in college. Little by little I noticed that we always behaved differently around each other when my friend wasn't close by. I mean she would lay on my lap, we would have these full body hugs where I could both feel her nether regions on my thigh and she could feel my erections and we would still take a couple of seconds to pull away, she would accidentally rub her breasts against me and so. All of these things developing slowly over a period of time. And then I realized that it wasnt just her hitting on me or vice versa, because we started to try to actively avoid being that close to each other, or being alone together. That is the key to "sexual tension." If there is nothing stopping you, if there is no resistance on either part, there is no "tension." I knew if I acted on it I would be rejected, and vice versa, and we were lucky enough never to have any opportunity when we were both drunk or otherwise incapacitated. We just stopped putting ourselves in those types of situations, and for a while the looks across the room continued, but eventually it all died down.
Soon after I met my wife, and they broke up and then married other people.