Originally Posted by Willravel
It's a shame that we'll have to wait 10-15 years for this matter to be cleared up. Pretending gay marriage is an ethical gray area and getting bogged down in fighting over it prevents us from dealing more actively with real ethical and political dilemmas.
The California Supreme Court's decision to allow same-sex marriage wasn't political or ethical, it was simply based on the law and precedence. This discussion seems familiar.... 
If we're lucky it will only take 10-15 years. Do you know why? Because people are assholes.
Instead of minding their own business, a bunch of assholes are trying to regulate relationships between consenting adults. Eventually same-sex marriage will legal nationwide. Then there will probably be a bunch of assholes suing churches who refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
By the way; how did you get that politico thingy next to your avatar?