Originally Posted by Anormalguy
I don't believe that I said or hinted that ratbastid was ever "deeply dissatisfied and troubled in his sex life." I stand by my original post--Rat's advice might be very different if he had wound up in a 17 year long conventional monogamous relationship and marriage.
Thing is, I was. And where things have ended up for me--unique though they are--was a function of how I dealt with it. Obviously YMMV, and I can only speak from where I speak from.
If I'd never grown up myself, and my marriage had headed on the path of what was predictable then, I'd probably be single now and it would be all her fault, and yeah, I'd probably have something very different to say to cajeff. I'd probably sympathize, agree it's a shame those damn women don't wax our poles the way we want, and then we could all cry into our beers together. Instead, I say: grow the fuck up and excuse me while I go have my first threesome of 2009.
Originally Posted by Anormalguy
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Maybe so. I don't deny for a second that I'm the luckiest summbitch on the planet. But think for a moment about whether our boy cajeff here has the SLIGHTEST chance of ending up where I've ended up, given how he's being about it. Given where I started from and my curent um situation, you'd think my advice would carry all the more weight, woudn't you?...
Actually, no, I do not. You're in a very unique situation, & I don't see how you can tell cajeff to quit whining, grow up, and be happy having sex 2-3 times a week. I'm also not reading in cajeff's post where he's putting undue pressure on his GF for sex.
You think continuing to whine about his poor hard cock is going to get him what he wants? How well do you think that's been working for him so far?
I never said be happy with sex 2-3 times a week. Other people said that, but I didn't. I don't think he should settle for anything. My point is: it's his job, not his wife's, to make sure things work between them. Whining about things not working and making it her fault will surely keep things as they are or have them devolve. That's literally all I'm saying.