There are a few suspects, but I would be interested in some media company doing some real investigative journalism and finding out what or who is to blame. Or are there multiple guilty parties?
Who do you think caused it:
Flippers & speculators getting interest only loans and trying to make a quick buck off the people who want to move.
Oil companies or countries manipulating the price of oil giving companies an excuse to raise prices.
Hedge funds throwing their money around in order to increase the price of a stock to sell it later even if the news is good.
American consumers buying too much, going into debt. Or buying things made in China/Taiwan/Saudi Arabia/OPEC instead of from America/Canada/UK/Australia/NZ/Brazil
Poor Americans buying houses they couldn't afford, received ARM loans and when rates went up they couldn't afford it.
Banks lending too much money
AIG default credit swap scheme
Mark to market accounting (Too much regulation) -
Expose hedge fund and private investors practices (Not enough regulation)
Globalization hasn't worked or won't work. Third world countries won't buy from the US/Canada/Europe/Australia/NZ
Eight options not on the list:
Government taxing us too much
Federal Reserve manipulating interest rates to try and get the stock market to go up.
Too many workers and not enough jobs.
Too many people on welfare/retirement/pensions not enough tax/profits to cover them and still grow a business.
Media over selling things and making them seem better than they are, and then making things seem worse than they are.
Secret organization that is trying to control the population
Free trade (That's not really fair)
Home builders built too many homes too fast and no one wanted the old homes.
Any others you can think of?
I think it was like a bunch of dominoes falling over, one thing happened then the next thing happened until we get to where we are today. But, I think one of the first things was the banks creating interest only loans for people in California and New York to be able to afford to live there. Then they were offered at other banks. Soon, people started talking about buying homes they never intended on living in, just to watch them go up in price. The Federal Reserve tried to manipulate interest rates to get rid of the speculators in the housing market that was creating an artificial demand. But today, all of those items played a role in our current economic situation.