Originally Posted by genuinegirly
While I appreciate the attempt to explain, QuasiMondo, I don't seem to have the same perspective on the drug trade as you do: Legalize the damn things and they'll start to lose their appeal. Punish people who commit crimes and disrupt the peace of society. What a person chooses to do in their private lives is their own concern. /end threadjack
The company made a mistake by explicitly explaining the intended use of their product rather than allowing the news to spread by word of mouth.
Based on how alcohol is marketed, I seriously doubt they'd lose their appeal if they were legalized.
I don't know if you're talking about marijuana specifically or all drugs in general, but outside of marijuana, I can't think of a single illegal drug that doesn't contribute to the commission of crimes that disturb the peace of society, especially when many of these crimes committed by addicts are done to get enough money to support their habit.