Originally Posted by enzo89
Since I posted I have not touched any drugs except for sipping on some beer, and I feel great. I have taken all your advice and gotten rid of any paraphernalia and have started going on long bike rides every morning. My sleep schedule is back to normal and my depression has gone away and it's barely even been a week. I've been able to buy things that I enjoy with all the hundreds of dollars I would have been wasting on drugs. Now that I'm feeling back to normal im going to go back to school and get my diploma. It feels really good waking up early in the morning and having the whole day to do stuff instead of sleeping all day and getting high. Thanks for all the input some of your advice helped me a lot. Now I just have to stay sober and I can get my life back on track.
That's great news! One day at a time might be a cliche, but it's good advice.
In a society where the individual is not free to pursue the truth...there is neither progress, stability nor security.--Edward R. Murrow