I dream a lot about the house I grew up in. I haven't been in it in 13 years, but I've driven by it since then, and I know it's changed. They've obviously remodeled it. But in my dreams that house is still the same house.
I used to dream that I hadn't finished high school, that there was one last math class I had to take and couldn't pass (this was an obvious recreation of events in my current life having to do with university). This was a frequent dream. Once I finally graduated college and had my degree in my hands, these dreams stopped. I keep my high school diploma tucked behind my B.A. so that I know the truth.
In my dreams I have the power to open doors at a touch and lock them behind me as I pull them shut. I also seem to be able to make doors appear. Dreams where I'm being chased are common, but I like them. With my dream-powers, it becomes a game of hide-and-go-seek.
Sometimes I dream that my significant other is being an asshole. I usually wake up irritated with him. Good thinking on the "evil twin" thing. I might have to say that to myself next time it happens.
And I definitely dream about TFPers. I'd share some of them here, but I think that they might be too exciting for a general audience.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau