Originally Posted by aceventura3
If these "top aids" don't have the courage to make their statements in public they are cowards and lack character. People make mistakes, Obama visited 57 states, Bidden talked about FDR's comments on TV and didn't know how many letters are in jobs - in most cases people have a chuckle and move on. People hate Palin in a manner that is not normal, I don't get it. But, I really like the fact that she is not affraid to stand strong, face her critics and give it back with a smile. She is one of my heroes.
Why is one of your heroes someone who doesn't have a meaningful higher education, doesn't have any grasp of the world we live in and doesn't hold her own family to the standards she'd like to impose on the rest of the country? That sounds snarky, and, to some extent, I guess it is, but I'm honestly curious why Sarah Palin is someone you'd call a hero.
Biden, McCain and Obama all misspoke during their campaigns and said silly things that now sound funny. No one questions whether Biden or Obama or McCain actually think or believe the things they said that sound really funny in retrospect. Sarah Palin said and believed totally ridiculous stuff. She said that she could see Russia and that it counted as solid foreign policy experience. She didn't know Africa was a continent. She didn't know what the VP does. She doesn't understand, as far as I can tell, any part of the constitution or its provisions.
I think she has a lucrative career ahead of her in the book-writing department and, after her stint as governor is over, as a conservative talking head. I have no doubt she'd make enough money to never have to worry about having a $150k shopping trip again, and, you know, I have no problem with that (nor would I have any reason to).
But if the republican party ever puts her up for VP or president again, they will lose my vote automatically and immediately. She is not qualified to hold high executive office in this country, and I think the polls of September, October and the election results speak volumes to back up the thought that the American public doesn't think she is, either.
On a side note: now I need to find a new avatar. Damn it all!