Originally Posted by genuinegirly
How much money do you spend?
Monthly? I dunno, maybe $2500ish. It depends on quite a few different variables. Around the holidays it goes up quite a bit due to presents and donations to charity.
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Do you have a minimum monthly budget that you cannot possibly go below?
Yes, but it's frighteningly low. I could disconnect internet, phone, cell, and tv. I could almost completely stop using electricity and gas. I could even reduce my food budget to the extreme. I'd guess I could survive on less than $200 a month if I absolutely had to.
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Do you find that your frequency of shelling out cash varies depending upon your community or living situation?
Very much so, yes.
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
How long have you gone without spending a penny or using resources that someone had to pay for?
That's not really how the world works anymore. You have to eat, which even if you grow your own food means using someone's seeds and some water. Since the introduction of currency, money has been necessary for life. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question?