Originally Posted by roachboy
i support affirmative action because it is better than nothing--but it is also a shallow 60s liberal bit of legislation designed to address symptoms without touching any of the causes.
I'm reminded of an effort at the University of Texas Law School to increase the number of Hispanic students graduating with JDs. The law school lowered their standards for acceptance for individuals of Hispanic descent (whatever that means). After evaluating the graduation rates after several years, they discovered that graduation rates had not changed for Hispanics. More Hispanic students were accepted, but they graduated at the same rate. This effort was not "better than nothing". Instead of helping students, they saddled many with a year or two of student loans and no degrees to show for it. Like you said, they addressed the symptoms without touching the causes. (They did, however, increase tuition revenue). Somewhere I have a reference...
UT also has the "10% rule". If you graduate in the top ten percent of your high school class, you are guaranteed acceptance to UT if you apply. Another band aid to cover poor primary and secondary education...