My wife "upgraded" from the BB prior to the Curve to the iPhone G3 when it first came out. Within a week or so went back to BB. Though the features on the iPhone were too cool for school, it wasn't enough to outweigh the irritation of errors while txting/e-mailing quickly on a touch screen and prefers the feel of "mashing down" on a key.
I used her old BB to try out as I've been entertaining the thought of a BB as I will be needing one soon for work as I'm rarely in the office...takes a bit of getting used to vs a cell phone due to the size but the features were handy replying to e-mails and faster typing/txting vs cell phone...LOL! When I tried the iPhone, I too was not too keen on the touch screen for typing. She sold it and I have the BB Curve and she the BB Bold.
If they made phone with a touch screen the size of the iPhone and a buttoned QWERTY pad that slid out, that would be the best of both worlds!!!
EDIT: Just saw the HTC Dream thread...I wish it was available in Canada
Drugs lead nowhere...but it's the scenic route
Last edited by actinic; 11-05-2008 at 08:55 AM..