umm, dude, it's an omni gym, the front desk girls talk to EVERYONE who come in. I work there as an instructor 1-5 hrs a week, depending, and people come in and unload their shit at the front desk all the time bc it's that type of club. also, if it helps, the club is in SC and in a decidedly republican part of the state...well, not so much now, but generally...
i don't get where you're coming from here. If the reverse were true, i'd be spouting it too, "Oh damn, this obama supporter with a 'change' shirt came in with 30 obama stickers talking about how someone was mugged and had a J carved into her cheek, said she wasn't voting for the old fart just to keep them in line'.. old fart is closest i can come
and i'm in the chris rock boat...i don't get offended hwen i think racism exists, i get offended when i find people who think it doesn't exist. Maybe it's from living as a white in a black neighborhood, maybe it's from working at an upper middle class place that only hired blacks to wash dishes (one who actually worked his way up to grill cook, but is an exceptionally amazing cook, so hard to overlook) or maybe it's that i dated a girl who had only seen 1 black family for the first 17 yrs of her life while living in pa and was amazed at the cultural difference..amazed enough to actually lock her car door when she saw someone walking down the street.
like i said, i'm not shocked when i see it anymore, i'm shocked when i find out people don't think it still exists.
Now, when i see a middle class lady in a mccain shirt with a bag loaded with mccain stickers who spouts a story she heard on the radio then spouts a racial epithet in relation to how she's going to i going to think "gee, this woman who has been coming here for at least a year is a shill for a campaign or 'gee, this woman is upset at what she heard and is going a bit too far with her position by using some derogatory language" She's just a normal gym goer, has her 3 yr old in the daycare, is a normal person in every other circumstance. I've seen her before, never spoke to her, but when the 4 of us were in proximity, this all came about. I don't think i fully understand what you're saying.