I think it is safe to say at least in my eyes, which would be a more conservative view point, is, it is not enough to merely to make this system of equal opportunity a reality.
The people have to want if for themselves, and I know that will piss many of you off, as you'll no doubt assume I'm saying that all of them "don't want it for themselves", that is really not the case.
I work in a liquor store, not necessarily what would be the hood, but as Minnesota is mostly wonder bread it is a more "colorful" part of town. Bottom line is I have to interact with the dregs of society on a daily basis. It infuriates me when I see these many homeless or those at the bottom of the economic ladder coming into the store with their Barry Obomba pins and t-shirts, trying to use their food stamp/EBT cards to buy liquor. When your Black Messiah is elected President, they think the US is going to do a complete 180, and they'll be on top because there is a "black" president.
And that is my point for these types of people, there is no incentive to work harder, they don't do it now, and they think they're getting the key to the candy store when Barack takes over with his policies. I'm not so stupid to broadly use these clowns as an example, being that my area of study doesn't use a great many sociological words, I hope I am correct in saying is I'm sure these people only serve as a microcosm of the populace.
I hope you guys don't throw this out as a threadjack, I spoke of Barack in here as it is his policies that speak of this redistribution, and these assholes are the ones that it will affect. I guess it will affect me too, as the store doesn't pay me a great amount of money I get pissed when I see that roughly 20-25% of my check gets ripped from me every two weeks, but who knows, maybe Barack will ease that burden on me, and maybe that's the point of all of this.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.