Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Oh, and can we have a moratorium on the chickens' roosting metaphor? I've read it on this board at least four times in the past week or two. 

I was sort of laughing as I typed it...
"hen's have come to nest"
"bats are ensconced in the belfry?"
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
The IMF was created to avoid situations of which we see now in the global economy. Something must be done to give it clout.
John Maynard Keynes was the father of the IMF but it was taken over by the students of Milton Freidman. The IMF no longer seeks to avoid these situations. The IMF and other organizations like the World Bank and USAID seek to purposefully skew the numbers in their client states.
They help foster a climate of crisis... provide massive loans with big strings attached in order to open foreign markets to "free enterprise". It has been central to the US foreign policy since the late 60s.
It is just ironic to see the same game being played on their home court.