Originally Posted by aceventura3
I generally agree with your statement here, however I do think it is the job of true leaders to take a stand , be involved, and act in a proactive manner. If we are in a "melt down" (which I think is more physiological than anything else), I want to know who is going to show leadership, I want to know who is willing to take an unpopular stand doing what needs to be done regardless of political consequences. Real or not McCain simply out maneuvered Obama on this issue up to this point - assuming legislation is passed or agreed upon prior to Friday evening.
I don't believe this is an outmaneuver. I believe this is a way to dodge poor debate timing.
The first debate is supposed to be on national security and foreign affairs, which is an alleged McCain strong point. He doesn't want his "strong" debate lost in a week where he's down in the polls and buried by the economy issue, which is a massive loser for him. So part of what he's doing here is rejiggering the long-agreed-upon debate schedule to something more favorable. As a side-effect, he hopes to postpone the VP debate as well.
The GOP voting tactic is, limit the number of people who can vote. The higher the turnout (ie. the bigger the sample of America the popular vote is), the worse the GOP does. So they're all about knocking out potential voters.
This is a similar tactic, but it's less
discourse instead of less voting. The more face-to-face talking the candidates do, the worse off McCain is going to be. So this is all about limiting and diminishing that.
How to "take a stand" and "be a leader" is to speak publicly. Standing around outside the office where the decisions are being made, not being allowed in because you're not a member on that committee?
Not presidential.
By the way, the other big story that's NOT hitting the MSM these days, completely overshadowed by the "suspending the campaign" thing is the issue of McCain's campaign manager, lobbyist Rick Davis, getting paid $15k a month by Freddie Mac
until last month. So I suspect that this is also a "don't notice the massive sale of the Presidency" move.
David Donnelly, director of the independent watchdog Campaign Money Watch, told the Huffington Post website: "John McCain's campaign manager and Freddie Mac essentially had a secret half a million dollar lay-a-way plan.
"For almost three years, they made secret, monthly payments of 15,000 dollars to Rick Davis for apparently no other work than for him to provide special access to a future McCain White House in exchange."