Originally Posted by mcgeedo
Have you ever listened to Randi Rhodes? She can hardly get between commercial breaks without calling some Conservative a childish name. I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard her use the term "Bushies."
It's amusing to me that "Bushie" is now considered an insulting name. Just a few years ago conservatives, some on this very forum, were proud to call themselves "Bushies."
This thread confuses *name calling* with *making fun of someone's name* which are not necessarily the same thing. Playing on someone's name, no matter how clever, tends to make people sympathize with the insulted person because a lot of people had their names twisted into insults in grade school, it sucks.
To say that one party does it more than another is kind of a farce in my view. The Google "research" above was exceptionally weak and lazy. "Obama+Osama" and "McSame" are in no way to be considered equivalencies (what about the 488,000 results for "obamania?"). Are you sure you're just not more sensitive to
your candidate's name being played on?
The Left should have learned better after the "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" full page ad pretty much backfired for MoveOn. As with most things political, the media doesn't question the Right with equal vigor. Someone made a few bundles of cash selling "Sore/Loserman" and "Flush the Johns" posters, t-shirts, stickers, and other paraphernalia during the last two election cycles.