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Old 09-16-2008, 12:55 PM   #16 (permalink)
curiousbear's Avatar
Location: WA
Firstly as a TFP community I respect all our opinions and views. I wont use strong tone either.

Originally Posted by merleniau View Post
Personally, I tend to have problems with porn. I don't appreciate it as "innocent fun" and I do subscribe to the idea that it can be a form of infidelity.
My thought is thus: How can you truly commit to monogamy or a monogamous relationship if you fantasize about fucking other people on a regular basis?

I want to know WHY that is considered a "need."
As a teenager I only read text on sex. Mostly to understand about it. I consiously avoided all the oppurtunities to see explicit graphic. In fact I declined the chance for physical fun. The reason I had was that I have to wait for my soulmate. Well I was in deed too much a dreamer. I stronly beleived in monogamy. But as an adult now I watch too much porn, my partner knows (I think she is confused about it, not hurt clearly, may be she trusts me a lot). I no longer feel bad or guilty using porn.
My best fantasy is a real HOT sex life with a derived persona of my girl. Younger, slimmer, hotter and naughtier version of hers. But nothing like I am not happy with the reality. It just is not quenching. I am very much aware that I am not the most handsome, not even cute. But the heart and mind function too differently.

Is the butt and thigh in the picture yours?

Have you ever wondered about women producing one egg per cycle whereas men produce millions of sperms every day? Does it tell about the difference in thier nature? How ever that fits for the animal with five senses on top of which we have a sixth sense (atleast many of us) is running

Originally Posted by LoganSnake View Post
Nobody's asking you to accept it. I'm merely saying that it's normal for a male of the species to not be tied down to one female on a purely biological level. Social level? Not so much. At least not in most modern cultures. You have a strong opinion against it? Awesome! I have one too.

Point is, if the woman I'm dating has a problem with me watching porn, it's...well...her problem. I wouldn't stop doing it because of that hang up. I'm 100% against cheating however. In case you were curious.
I disagree with you LoganSnake. We can justify anything we do when we feel & think that it is right. we are no longer primitives. We had lived thousands of years and evolved a lot.

Originally Posted by genuinegirly View Post
Is pornography more positive than negative, or a necessary evil?
I do tend to think it is more positive than negative.
I do not think that there is any reason to label it as evil.
It is a very tough question. Let me try. Erotic displays at public, in the form of paintings, sculpture, etc in the form of women, men; not shows specific personality is good. This can be in places of worship, near swimming pools, Drawing room, College Auditoriums, etc where it is public that everyone knows it is there. Forgive me if I am confusing. You see an art and may be you can visualize yourself and your partner in that situation or position. Or you learn a possibility like "Oh you can kiss in that angle" or what ever.
But pictures of live people, taking after paying them money or stealing thier privacy... No matter how much I enjoy, how much it is common, it just cant be right. We are definitely capable of a better THING.

Originally Posted by genuinegirly View Post
Are men and women to be held to different standards, given the observable trends?
Gender be damned. Each individual should be held to the standards they set.
Never. LonganSnakes views are so much male point of view. I cant accept it sorry about that. I personally wont mind if my girls watches porn. I do watch. But just because we do and enjoy it we dont have to blindly conclude that it is right. It is worth to ponder.

Hey Genuinegirly, I liked your way of answering, but let me stick to porn and not about other possible realtionships.

Originally Posted by LoganSnake View Post
Porn is only an outlet for a, desire, rather for someone other than your partner.
A man's biological role is to inseminate as many females as possible. Woman's biological role is to raise a child and find a provider. Why do women wet their panties at rock concerts? Because the singer is the alpha male. ... Why do men lust after every skirt? Because they have a strong desire to.
Very primitive point of view. Porn is only an outlet because there is no enough engagement for the senses? In terms of sports, games, challenges, music, joy, fun with friends, etc? Is it because the senses are not fullfilled with other activities and meaningful moments?

Honestly I dont know how many men will feel secure if male porns exist as much as female porn exist. And if females keep collecting and watching too much of large, huge penises that curve in all possible ways, porns of younger, cuter, taller, much more handsome guys... I certainly beleive the number of women who enjoy porn that way is lesser comparitively. Personally honestly I might be little concerned.

I can define one yard stick for anyone to judge what is right and wrong for themselves. What you expect your dad to be to your Mom, and your son-in-law to your daughter, you need to be same to your Wife/Gf. It is as simple as that. Ask this question yourself and the genuine answer will tell you what is right.

Last edited by curiousbear; 09-16-2008 at 12:57 PM..
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