Would you resell it if it was a book? Would you resell it if it was a cd or dvd? Then why wouldn't you resell the mp3? Because you are not buying something physical? Because you can keep an exact copy of it?
What you have to understand is that when you bought the mp3 or whenever you buy a cd or dvd, you're NOT buying the book, nor the music nor the sounds, what you are buying is a license to those intellectual works, problem is that the intellectual works have to be "imprinted" on some kind of medium that allows distribution and reproduction, so, the paper from a book and the cd or dvd are the "mediums" in which the author has decided to publish its work, as in this case the author has decided that it's "medium" is going to be an mp3, but the difference in mediums do not alter your rights to what is rightfully yours, the license to that intellectual work.
If you would've bought the physical book and in the back cover there was a little disclaimer stating that you can't resell that book would you obey it? why not? because you know that you have the right to do so as you are the legitimate owner of it and by principle you can do whatever you want with your property, now, as a book, a song, a tv show, a movie, etc... are Intellectual works, you are limited by law on what you can and can't do with them, by example, you can't make more copies from your copy, you can't rent it, you can't alter it, etc., what you can still do, is to sell your right to it, even though the author cries, yells and fights, why? because his rights to the copies that he sells end the moment he makes the first sale, after that he can't control the successive sells of it, it's an IP principle. The same happens with trademarks, by example, Microsoft has decided not to sell the XBOX in the UK for no other reason than they just don't want to. Nothing limits you to go to the US, buy a bunch of XBOXs and take them to the UK and resell them, and MS won't be able to limit that resell because you bought the XBOXs through an authorized distributor, there could even be an Authorized distributor in the UK and you could still do the import without any problems because the trademark owner (MS i this case) has extinguished its rights over the merchandise when they made the first sale. Both in Trademarks and Copyright this is called "exhaustion of the right ".
If I agreed with you weŽd both be wrong