I am the driver in our relationship, particularly since we moved to Iceland 18 months ago and we have been restricted to a manual transmission (which is my preference--but he doesn't drive it). I actually prefer to drive, and for the most part, we both agree that I am the better driver, and I don't hear a lot of comments on my style. His only complaints are when I might be going over the speed limit without noticing, or if I am taking turns a little bit too tightly... but otherwise, he lets me do my thing. When I drove alone for hours a time, going to see him on weekends (during that period of our relationship), he knew that I was talking on the phone all the time and even texting people... and he did speak out about that a few times, out of sheer concern for my safety.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran