Originally Posted by ottopilot
In some-one's tiny tiny bigoted world, this post may seem reasonable.
Uhh....isn't it Rice's party that is structured to keep gays in the closet, to institutionalize the idea that they are "sinners", that the way they express their love for each other, physically, is a crime? Isn't it part of the republican platform to deny gays the right to civil marriage ?
Santorum's comments on gays came during an interview with the Associated Press printed Monday.
"If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual (gay) sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything," Santorum said, referring to a landmark gay rights case before the high court that pits a Texas sodomy ban against privacy rights.
"All of those things are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family," Santorum said.
David Smith, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay lobbying group, branded Santorum's words "one of the most egregiously anti-gay statements I have heard a Republican leader make."
Except for the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay group, Republicans mostly declined to criticize the second-term senator.
"I have not seen the entire context of the interview," White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said of Santorum's comments in an extended exchange during his daily briefing Tuesday. "And . . . I haven't talked to the president about it. So, I really don't have anything to offer beyond that."
"Do you need context?" a reporter inquired.
"I haven't talked to the president about it, I haven't talked to Sen. Santorum, so I just don't have anything for you on it," Fleischer said.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., was returning from China on Tuesday, and his office said he was not available for comment.
The comments brought quick rebuke from several Democrats, including both of California's senators.
Sen. Barbara Boxer called Santorum's comments "offensive and hurtful." ....
The POV that it takes to post what you posted, suggests a high level of denial. The source I cited is
Glenn Kessler, Washington Post foreign affairs correspondent. He wrote that Rice bought a house with a gay male friend, and her "best friend", a lesbian, ten years ago. Rice and her best friend later bought out the interest of their gay male partner. Rice has no history of dating men, and no record of a serious relationship with a man....in 30 years as an adult.
Because of what the republican party stands for, and Rice's refusal to use the influence (if there is any remaining....) of the US State Dept. to publicly object to the execution in Iran of gay teenagers, for the crime of "being gay", I would volunteer my time to gathering info to make a much stronger case that she is a closeted hypocrite, as would many others, if she attempted a campaign for high political office, as a republican.