Originally Posted by ratbastid
I've never ONCE seen that said here. If you're going to accuse people of saying something like that, you better be able to cite sources. I'd like to see exactly where a "liberal person" has called a "conservative person" (as if the world were actually so black and white) "too dumb to vote" on TFP. If you can show me that, I'm very interested, and I'll happily take your side in that exchange. And if you're unable to, then I assert that the slander is on the other foot.
Now: if you've ever worn a mustache, your judgment is far too questionable to allow you to vote. I think we can all agree on that.
ratbastid... I haven't see those specific words uttered here but I have seen that tone come from many posters and I stand by my assertion that it comes from a place of frustration... i.e. "I can't believe those sheeple that support Bush", etc.
The implication is clear that those who would vote for Bush have no thoughts of their own and are merely "sheep". It is a short step from there to, stupid.
And yes, I have seen similar vitriol from more conservative members as well.