Cat Seizures
Last night, I witnessed my baby cat having a seizure. (By baby, I guess you should know he's really two). He was just hanging out in the living room with me, when I heard what sounded odd - I turned around in time to see all paws extended, violently shaking, and obviously not in control of anything. I rushed to his sided to pull him away from the marble slab that's in front of my fireplace. He fell over on his sided and continued shaking, breathing out of his mouth (almost panting?), and excreting an unknown liquid. The seizure lasted maybe a minute, I'm not sure because it seemed so long to me. I pet him, talked to him, and just tried to calm him down - his pupils were dilated, ears straight up, tail puffed out, obviously stressed. He calmed down pretty quickly, but I'm still worried about him.
Based on the symptoms I witnessed last night, I believe he also had a seizure a few weeks ago, maybe a month. I was sleeping and can only remember waking up in the middle of the night to him crying in the hallway (the exact same cry he had after the seizure last night) - and I found the same liquid substance by him then. I called the vet this morning, but she's on vacation. I've made an appointment to get him checked out as soon as she comes back, but I'm not sure what else I need to do. Can I wait until next week to take him? Obviously if he has another seizure before then, I think I'll take him to another vet (but ours is just so wonderful, and thorough).
As this isn't something I've had firsthand experience with, I thought I would turn to all of you. Have you experienced anything like this? What'd you do to try to fix the problem? Any advice you can offer? Thank you!