Originally Posted by forseti-6
You're completely off base here. Romney is a very good conservative VP choice. I don't know what you mean by nobody. Do some research first.
Last time I checked, Obama was fairly well off too. Kerry was extremely rich. It's a double standard that Obama is trying to make John McCain's success seem like a bad thing. Since when was success bad?
It is not that he is rich it is that he doesn't understand the needs of the lower and middle classes. He doesn't understand what it is like to struggle to make mortgage payments, he doesn't know what its like to pump your own gas, last year McCain spent $270,000 on maids and butlers for his houses, etc. He seems to be out of touch with realities outside of his rich circle. Obama on the other hand group up poor, he worked with the poor in Chicago, he understands what these people are feeling.
Another quotable are last year his wife said "Private jets are the only way to travel around the midwest (paraphrased)". It must be nice to get to fly everywhere but some of us have to drive and are struggling with the cost of gas. It costs me $600 a plane ticket to fly home.