Wait, some jackass refinished and engraved an original Peacemaker?!
I hope the gunsmith responsible did the job, took the money, and then pistol-whipped the...individual...responsible. With the Peacemaker. Then I hope he crushed his own balls in a vise as penance for mucking up a masterpiece like that. If the engraving and such had been original, yeah, it woulda been worth an hellacious chunk of change. As it is now, whatever value it has beyond the sentimental is in the engraving (which is -very- well-executed, btw) and the gold finish; the -gun- is now basically worthless. Resale value for anyone other than Liberaci or collectors of engraving rather than guns is now about $300.00
Now your dad's leatherwork, on the other hand, is gorgeous. I especially like the stippled tooling on the holster! If I'm ever in the market for some "dress" leather I'll sure know where to look.