First, I agree with abaya: some sort of counseling sounds like a good idea. I've never been to a professional counselor, but I'm lucky to have some friends that I can talk about things like this who will usually set me straight. I don't think I need to tell you that starting some sort of Wuthering Heights affair with your sister-in-law, full of meaningful gazes and poignant sighs, is not likely to end happily. Do you have any built-up residual issues with your wife, or any previous life experiences that would lead you to try to 86 your marriage? Those are the two things I see from wanting to start sort illicit relationship with your sister-in-law, whom your wife is close to. Imagine how your wife would feel if she knew about these issues. I think she'd most likely be hurt, and understandably so. Thus, I'd think that you subconsiously wanted to hurt her, or that you're afraid of something in your relationship and want to end least on some level. I'm sure your sister-in-law is a great gal, but honestly no one person is worth trashing a marriage over based on their individual merits. I think they're only a catalyst - what makes a person and a relationship so great is what goes into building the relationship, and in that sense one person is almost as good as the next. Yes, there may be something that endeared your wife to you originally, or that makes your sister-in-law attractive, but those things quickly fade with time in a real relationship. I think what starts to matter is the shared commonality of experience, the rebuilding of family structure. Are these things you really want to do at this time in your life?
From my perspective, what I see is a recipe to destroy your marriage. You might have great kinky sex with the sister-in-law, or you might have meaningful hugs or whatever...but in the end I see destruction of your marriage. Unless you and your wife are kinky like that. Which I'm kind of getting the feeling y'all aren't. In which case, if I were you, I'd want to trace this feeling back to the root, which I think is most likely a personal issue with you, and your satisfaction with your marriage.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style