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Old 08-15-2008, 08:39 AM   #185 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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Hey, this thread is back. I'm proud of my creation.

edit: here's some from the "Is child pornography wrong?" thread in philosophy that rolled the discussion from debate to WTF. Satan is an evil alien that controls our minds because ... well, I'll let you read for yourself.
Originally Posted by MirrorsrorriM View Post
I'm not a Catholic basher or anything, but I've been to Rome and there are hundreds of churches there and there are so many paintings depicting naked children, with genitals and everything, the Seraphim and Cherubim, the highest angels are depicted as naked children.

child abuse is just a political tool now for oppression. Instead of accusing their enemies of being 'enemies of the state' the commies accuse their enemies of child abuse. While it's true, the network of satanic homos who now control much of the machinations of the Beasts government are serial killing pedophiles, they also know how to play the shame game, they accuse others constantly of what they themselves are doing.

100,000 children have been disappearing every year for several decades now, they are never found. a million calls are placed a year, 90% of them are found, with the other parent and what not, but 10% of them are never found, never heard from again. The FBI is running around investigated 'hate crimes' and other such non-sense, but not these missing children, because, they are told not to investigate.

The catholic church held enormous stupid power and stupid people who hold power for stupid reasons often abuse that power to the ultimate extent, i.e having sex with everyone's children.

Probably all pornography is wrong, whether it's adults or children, what's the difference, adult pornography is worse, because children don't really know any better. To a child it's just like breast feeding or eating their baby food, kind of icky maybe, maybe feels sorta pleasant, but the degenerative effect on the will is worse in children, maybe? or are the effects on adults just as bad?

Why do people care so much about children, but after they turn 18 they want to torture and kill them for their non-conformist sexuality? It's because they are psychotic, dangerous people who shouldn't be allowed near people, let alone children.

Homosexual pedophilia is the most devastating of course, and I believe comes from this mysterious evil force that is absolutely real and present all around us, especially now that Satan controls the mass media. Satan is probably an alien life form that has an insect like consciousness, views humans are pretty much nothing but it's prey, human emotions are just to be manipulated and use to enslave them, murder, rape them, etc.

People see sexual predation of children as preying on helpless, smaller, weaker people, well, womanizers are doing the same thing, let's be honest, fornication should be illegal as well.

I mean, are you saying adults who engage in 'consensual' sex aren't preying on eachother most of the time? A stronger one preying on a weaker one? One with more money, preying on someone who doesn't have money, as in the case of prostitution? It's the same ugly thing in adult sexuality as in children, it's the same ugly thing in human nature, which is the universal nature of the world and all living things, thus, if there is a God, he is satanic and evil and a Omnipotent Monster and we should all commit mass suicide to end his sick control over higher beings whom he enjoys torturing.
Originally Posted by MirrorsrorriM View Post
oh i'm sorry, did I hurt the homosexual pedophile's feelings?

now THAT'S was sarcasm.

the internet has been so disheartening, there are so many, possessed by Satan now, I think more than are not, but especially the isolated people, whom satan bores into, and destroys their sexuality and perverts it and turns it into a hideous thing.
Everyword that comes out of their mouths is the devil himself, speaking to your face through them.

Satan is far more powerful than I ever understood, it is something truly beyond comprehension, I admit it's something so vast and horrible I cannot comprehend it, it's from another galaxy or solar system.
Originally Posted by MirrorsrorriM View Post
I'm not a Catholic basher or anything, but I've been to Rome and there are hundreds of churches there and there are so many paintings depicting naked children, with genitals and everything, the Seraphim and Cherubim, the highest angels are depicted as naked children.

child abuse is just a political tool now for oppression. Instead of accusing their enemies of being 'enemies of the state' the commies accuse their enemies of child abuse. While it's true, the network of satanic homos who now control much of the machinations of the Beasts government are serial killing pedophiles, they also know how to play the shame game, they accuse others constantly of what they themselves are doing.

100,000 children have been disappearing every year for several decades now, they are never found. a million calls are placed a year, 90% of them are found, with the other parent and what not, but 10% of them are never found, never heard from again. The FBI is running around investigated 'hate crimes' and other such non-sense, but not these missing children, because, they are told not to investigate.

The catholic church held enormous stupid power and stupid people who hold power for stupid reasons often abuse that power to the ultimate extent, i.e having sex with everyone's children.

Probably all pornography is wrong, whether it's adults or children, what's the difference, adult pornography is worse, because children don't really know any better. To a child it's just like breast feeding or eating their baby food, kind of icky maybe, maybe feels sorta pleasant, but the degenerative effect on the will is worse in children, maybe? or are the effects on adults just as bad?

Why do people care so much about children, but after they turn 18 they want to torture and kill them for their non-conformist sexuality? It's because they are psychotic, dangerous people who shouldn't be allowed near people, let alone children.

Homosexual pedophilia is the most devastating of course, and I believe comes from this mysterious evil force that is absolutely real and present all around us, especially now that Satan controls the mass media. Satan is probably an alien life form that has an insect like consciousness, views humans are pretty much nothing but it's prey, human emotions are just to be manipulated and use to enslave them, murder, rape them, etc.

People see sexual predation of children as preying on helpless, smaller, weaker people, well, womanizers are doing the same thing, let's be honest, fornication should be illegal as well.

I mean, are you saying adults who engage in 'consensual' sex aren't preying on eachother most of the time? A stronger one preying on a weaker one? One with more money, preying on someone who doesn't have money, as in the case of prostitution? It's the same ugly thing in adult sexuality as in children, it's the same ugly thing in human nature, which is the universal nature of the world and all living things, thus, if there is a God, he is satanic and evil and a Omnipotent Monster and we should all commit mass suicide to end his sick control over higher beings whom he enjoys torturing.
Originally Posted by MirrorsrorriM View Post
the bible says, 'it is not against bone and flesh that we battle, but against principalities and powers', however, the CAtholic translation is the word 'celestials', celestials, principalities and powers, are ALIENS, celestial means 'from the heavens' or 'from the stars'.

the penis is merely the physical object, it's the spiritual power it represents, which is infinite, the phallic symbols you see on every TV show, the news anchors always standing in front of the Washington Monument or some such thing, the triangle, the pyramid on the back of the dollar, represents this concept. Sexual decadence drains the soul and allows satan to enter you and possess you, control your mind, so that you cannot even concieve of a plot against their government without them knowing, you've lost the territory of your own mind. you have become nothing but a thing animated by the spiritual force of Satan, and THAT is the ultimate goal of Satan, and it IS much worse than biological or nuclear weapons. because you are not dead. You are the living dead, still alive, being used by this psychotic homosexual supernatural killer, it's like Satan duct taping you up and putting computer chips in your brain and turning you into a robot, a slave, a thing for their amusement and usefulness. You have become Satan's appliance, with just enough thought left in you, to carry out the mundane tasks of your existence, but nothing more. No concern for spiritual insights or the jurisprudence of fair and righteous self government, only enough of a mind left to see 2 feet in front of you like a mule with blinders.

Obviously though, most of the people, even posting here, won't be able to understand, Satan will confuse them and prevent them from understanding it, he will punish them for their bad thoughts in a million creative ways, subtle subliminal controls too vast for what's left of their putrified minds, rotted with sin and fermented into a demonic elixor of decadence.

As revelation states, 'they shall be drunk with the wine of fornication', the wine of the Great Harlot, Diana, the statue of which sits atop the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

Texe Marr was an Air Force Colonel, who taught bomber pilots strategy for nuclear war, he's the one I learned that about Diana from.

YouTube - 1. Mystery Babylon - Texe Marrs NWO

when i sense someone is willing to learn something, or give it intelligent consideration I don't mind elaborating.

Posession is simply dominant telepathy. The control a person telepathicly via the pineal gland, or the third eye, which is what the eye on the pyramid represents, the eye which is the symbol you see everywhere now, the CBS eye, etc. The Pineal gland is made of the same type of photoreceptive cells as are in the optic nerve and the retina, they can be stimilated by electromagnetic radiation, of a different frequency than light, they can interpret brain waves the way way your eye and brain interpret light waves. Telepathy is simply a natural, reality you all are never told about because they don't want you to know anything spiritual or true about your supernatural existance.
What people call 'love' or being in 'love' with their wife, they mean, they are in a pleasant state of telepathic union. telepathy isn't always about love. It is also about dominance and subversion of the will, the conquest of the soul, so to speak. One possesses another through sexual conquest, or 'sticking their penis in you' as you so eloquently and casually said.
As the Gospell (god's spelll) says, 'thou becomes one flesh', it warns against becoming one flesh with those possessed of the devil. the crazed sexual urges of demonicly possessed people, is simply the devil trying to spread itself like some kind of psychic virus, it's consciousness is trying to spread itself via sexual contact.

the Movie 'Fallen' is a good illustration of this, but uses the euphemism of touching people to possess them. the touching is a euphemism for sexual intercourse.

Last edited by MSD; 08-15-2008 at 11:20 AM..
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